Repeaterlist for Oslo area, Norway (repeaterliste Oslo området)

I have made a repeaterlist for the Oslo area in Norway. This list can be saved as CSV from Excel and is then after saving as CSV compatible with Chirp.

Make sure to check that the CSV files uses commas (,) as separators and NOT semicolon (;). This can be set in the meny you see below. Goto Start menu and type locale. Click the change date, time, number format.

Thanks to Alf LA2NTA for the data I used in this list. See another posting for the direct link to Alf’s list that is located in the cloud. My list here will not be frequently updated, but per April 2017 it should give a good starting point.


Teardown of the AnyTone AT-5189 4m FM radio

I purchased a couple of Anytone AT-5189 4m FM radios at a flea market. As the radio is of Chinese origin I was interested in seeing how the chinese engineers is coming along regarding design, waterproofing / IP degree, PCB layout, internal shielding, component selection and general workmanship.

Summary: the radio is surprisingly well designed. A cast alu chassis is made with milled grooves for O rings, professional layed out PCB,  proper ground vias and compartmentization,  no stray cabling inside. The integrated chips used in the design are LMX1511 synthesizer, MC3311 compander, M62364 DA, KIA278 LDO, RDO7MVS18 driver. Well known integrated circuits.

Some pictures:

20160410_084411-1 20160410_084351-120160410_084451-120160410_084808-120160410_09443120160410_084402 20160410_094318
