The bandpass filters for Azores Island Hunt arrived

The bandpass filters for the Azores island hunt arrived today. The filters are of W3NQN design. Team Norway are going to have two stations on air at the same time from the same location in the Azores, so these filters will be crucialwe think. I will try to do some S21 measurements with my vector network analyzer on them to verify 1) Filter characteristic, 2) Stop band attenuation, 3) Return loss

HF converter for SDR Funcube dongle


Tony CT1FFU and Diogo CT2IRW has released a converter for the Fun Cube dongle. The design is a based on the old NE602 workhorse. One new approach is to use a wideband MMIC amp in the front end. The unit is powered via a USB connector. Looks like this may be a good add on if you want to do some basic HF monitoring with the Fun Cube. You can find more information here: