Power on HA
Have a screen and a keyboard connected
When you see the ha> prompt enter login
Then do this:
nmcli radio

Now scan and list available wifi access:
nmcli device wifi rescan
nmcli device wifi

Connect to wifi:
Use quotes around your ssid and password:
nmcli device wifi connect "YOUR_SSID" password "YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD"
This will try to connect to your SSID and will generate a network profile for you if successfull.
The output will be similar to"Device 'wlan0' successfully activated with...."
Then check your connections again:
nmcli con show

You should be seeing at least two profiles and both green.
If you are seeing some profiles you’d like to get rid of you can remove them using:
nmcli connection delete CONNECTION_NAME

These may have two separate ip addresses on your network: one for ethernet, one for wifi.
You can check the ip addresses using:
ip addr show
Now connect to http(s)://your_wifi_ip:8123
in your browser.
Credit goes to: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/guide-connecting-pi-with-home-assistant-os-to-wifi-or-other-networking-changes/98768