How to get ARRL AAT.EXE working under XP SP3


I recently started to have problems with AAT.EXE from ARRL under XP. AAT.EXE is a DOS program used for calculating efficiencies of antenna tuners of L and T types. The user specifies QU of the inductor and capacitors, capacitor capacitance range, max voltage that the capacitor can tolerate, and some other parameters. AAT.EXE then makes two nice tables identifying where the tuner is most effective, where the tuner has a high loss, where the tuner will see a too high voltage values over the capacitor etc. The tables are generated in a .SUM file and a .LOG file. The problem is that the keyboard suddenly ddid not work in the XP dos box that is opened. I think this happened after upgrading to SP3 or after some security upgrade. I am not sure. What I did to solve it was to make a .BAT file containing this text:

mode con: cp select=865

This selects the codepage that is Norwegian. This solved the problem! If you have another keyboard layout you can find the codepage you will have to try here:

Here is an example of the output from AAT:


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